Static Generation

Fraser Gererator Single point PRODUCT: FRAE7090
Fraser Gererator Single point
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Static pinners are employed in many applications ranging from trim charging, edge pinning, and air-exclusion to In-Mould Labelling (IML).
Operating at up to 30 kV with power from a Fraser IONFIX Compact Generator, or similar, 7090 Static Pinner enable efficient electrostatic charging and pinning of small areas and objects.

7090 , has a compact tubular design for pin-point charging of the smallest areas

All parts completely encapsulated for reliability and safety
HT cable is protected by a nylon conduit
Shockless, resistively coupled tungsten emitters for long life
Used with IONFIX 30 kV Generators, the operator has full control with operational feedback
7090 Static Pinners is used in a broad variety of electrostatic adhesion applications, including interleaving, pinning, labelling, IML, wrapping, bagmaking and many others.




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