Stencil Printer Spares

Microcare Stencil Roll, DEK Printers, Prem.Perf. PRODUCT: MCC105DA
Microcare Stencil Roll, DEK Printers, Prem.Perf.
$50.01 (EX GST)
Unit: Each
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Available Now: 40
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Microcare Stencil Roll, DEK Printers, Premium Performance

Exact replacement to all of the standard DEK stencil rolls. Same length, plastic core,
with notches; all the usual specifications. But the paper is different -- and significantly
better. This roll features the unique MicroCare FP fabric which is engineered for fine-pitch
applications. Most importantly, selecting FP paper eliminates the need to use solvents
during wiping, which saves money, speeds printing AND improves yield. Durable and
absorbent, selecting FP paper reduces paper consumption and abbreviates the cleaning


Core Details 20.87" / 530 mm long, plastic, notched

Paper Details MicroWipe FP Paper, 1.8 oz., 3.8 particulate, 445 mL/m2 absorbency

Printer DEK, All Models

Roll Details Approx. 30' / 9.1 m long, 20.37" / 520 mm wide, max o.d. 2.35" / 60 mm,
extensions 2 sides




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