5US GAL (20Litres)
* RTT 10E4 - 10E6 ohms per ESD-S7.1
o Conductive - able to remove electrostatic charges to ground
o Exceeds ANSI/ESD S20.20 minimum recommended technical requirements of
< 1 x 10E9 ohms for ESD Protected Flooring and suitable for ESD protective flooring
o Can be component in Flooring - Footwear System as primary grounding method
(<3.5 x 10E7ohms per ESD STM 97.1)
* Areas greater than 20 square feet do not require expensive grounding grids or wires;
Static Charge Decay: dissipates 5000 volts to zero in <0.01 sec per FTMS 101C/4046
Can replace ESD floor mats in electronics, manufacturing, assembly, and test areas
protecting ESD susceptible items
* Adheres to floors, walls, or wood furniture
Provides ESD protective surface on concrete and epoxy floors and in places which are
difficult to protect
* Excellent wear and durability
Excellent value providing long-life
* Apply via rolling or spraying
Productive application and maintenance; easy clean-up
* Two colours to choose from
Grey hides dirt better in most applications; Light Grey brightens up factory
* RTT: 10E4 - 10E6 ohms per ESD S7.1 @ 50% R.H.
* 2 coats are recommended to obtain RTT: 10E5 ohms per
ANSI ESD-S7.1 RTG 10E5 ohms per ANSI ESD-S7.
* Coverage: 300-400 sq. ft./gallon
Excellent value
* This product has been certified to meet the RoHS requirement.
* Lead-free RoHS compliant
* Made in America
Also available in 1 US gallon container and also light grey (5 US gallon only).